Monday, December 24, 2007


Argh! My reading time has seriously decreased. Of course there is the usual work/holidays/projects/chores that get in the way. But the new thing is the ability to nod off in less than 10 pages. It makes it difficult for me to get through a book in my usual amount of time. In fact, I am way behind in my bookring books and was late finishing my November and December bookclub selections.

So my goal for 2008 is to read one book a month (likely my bookclub book). With the new addition pending in my life, I will have even less reading time (and the ability to stay awake). I also have a huge TBR (to be read) pile that I would love to read and pass on.

I plan to send on my current pile of bookring books shortly (mostly unread). I've had the oldest since July. Yikes! I am not that bad bookcrosser, am I??

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