Bookrays/Bookrings I've patricipated in (2007-2008):
The Accidental Office Lady - received 9/7/07, sent 1/3/08 (unread)
Accordian Crimes - received 8/4/07 sent 11/16/07
The Adultery Club - received 7/5/07 sent 9/1/07
A Morbid Taste for Bones - received 7/12/07 sent 11/16/07
Apocalipstick - received 5/11/07 sent 6/29/07
Autobiography of a Fat Bride - received 7/15/07, sent 9/24/07
A Yellow Raft in Blue Water - received 8/13/07 sent 11/16/07
The Bad Twin - received 6/21/07, sent 9/1/07
The Book Thief - received 8/21/08, sent 9/9/08
Bloodsucking Fiends - went to lost book island Feb 2008
Bright Lights, Big Ass - received 4/8/08, sent 5/5/08
Cider With Rosie - received 4/25/07, Sent 5/12/2007
City of Beasts - Isabel Allende bookspiral - received 5/23/07 Sent 7/7/07
The Clock Winder - received 11/6/2008, sent 11/24/08
Come Together - received 10/6/07, sent 1/3/08 (unread)
The Dante Club - received 12/18/07, sent 6/4/08
The Dirty Girls Social Club - received 7/11/07, sent 9/24/07
Dive From Claussen's Pier - received 5/15/08, sent 6/27/08
Eden Close - received 10/13/07, sent 1/3/08 (unread)
Everyone Worth Knowing - Received 3/19/2007 Sent 3/26/2007
Fashionistas - Received 5/7/07 Sent 5/29/07
Forest of Pygmies - Isabel Allende bookspiral - received 6/25/07, sent 8/6/07
Fortune's Rocks - received 9/8/07 Sent 1/30/08
Hard Eight - skipped
The History of Love - received 5/2/07 Sent 5/18/07
The Impressionist - skipped due to my own backlog
Island of the Sequined Love Nun - received 3/24/08, sent 3/29/08
Kingdom of the Golden Dragon - Isabel Allende bookspiral - received 6/25/07, sent 8/6/07
Lunar Park - received 5/11/07, sent 8/6/07
The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove - received 4/17/08, sent 5/7/08
The Main Corpse - received 5/9/07 Sent 5/29/07
Missing - received 8/28/07 ent 1/30/08
My Antonia - received 7/31/07 Sent 10/5/07
New Moon - received 12/6/08, sent 1/2/09
Nora Roberts Circle Trilogy Ring (3 books) - Received 4/4/07 Sent 5/2/07
The Pact - Received 5/30/07, sent 8/9/07
Running for the Hills - received 8/28/07, sent 1/3/08 (unread)
She Went All the Way - received 6/28/07, sent 9/24/07
Shopaholic Abroad - Received 4/26/07 sent 9/1/07
Shopaholic & Baby - Received 5/30/07 sent 9/1/07
Small Island - received 10/4/07, sent 1/3/08 (unread)
So Many Books, So Little Time - received 9/15/07, sent 1/3/08
Such a Pretty Fat: One Narcissist's Quest To Discover if Her Life Makes Her Ass Look Big, Or Why Pie is Not The Answer - received 8/13/08, sent 8/29/08
Turtle Moon - received 11/1/07, sent 1/10/08
Twilight - received 10/6/08, sent 10/16/08
Two Little Girls in Blue - received 5/2/08, sent 6/23/08
The Undomestic Goddess - received 6/15/07, sent 9/1/07
Veil of Roses - received 6/9/08, sent 6/28/08
Bookrays/Bookrings I've started (PM me to join):
Singletini - Amanda Trimble – May 2007
Bookboxes (2007):
Sunshinedreem's Spring Cleaning Book Box - Received 7/11/07 Sent out 7/18/07
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